Tag: alcohol

Sea Food Guide according to Hanafi Fiqh

General Ruling: All “fish” from the sea is permissible. There is no restriction in any type of fish. However, those creatures of the sea which do not fulfil the technical definition of fish, are not considered permissible. This is based on the hadeeth that mentions that Nabi ﷺ said, “Two carrions and two bloods are […]

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Are all Vanilla Extract permissible?

In Vanilla Extract, we will apply the above distinction and review whether any khamr alcohol is used during the macerating process for vanilla extract. The type of alcohol source changes the flavor profile of the final extract. While the industrial standard mentioned above is ethyl alcohol, this may not be the case for homemade or custom-curated vanilla extracts sold as novelties. Hence, it is important to review the source of alcohol on the labeling as much as possible.

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