About Us


ilmHub began as an umbrella body to oversee and consolidate different projects under the guidance of Muftī Faisal al-Mahmūdī. (Link to Instructor Bio Here) Due to the nature of Muftī Faisal’s occupations and prior engagements earning a living, these highly beneficial programs and activities have been run in a disjointed manner.

As we continue, the projects take more permanent form and it becomes difficult to keep them running without a fortified base of operation or structure. Moreover, many future projects which need a suitable physical space get sidelined due to lack of such resources. A place for students to gather, congregational classes, workshops etc. becomes difficult when we have to rent a place every time for a gathering.

After establishment of ilmHub as a proper organization to provide all these facilities, it became more integrated and focused venture where Muftī Faisal was able to provide his full-time services for the local community as well as online students.

Since our humble beginnings where a couple of students would sit in class settings with Mufti Faisal, formation of ilmHub has provided a place for scholarship to grow.

Imam Muhammad Patel of Red Deer Mosque joined ilmHub Team as a permanent visiting scholar in 2019. Since then, Imam Muhammad has conducted discourses in Hadeeth and Hadeeth Sciences, and has been an immense asset for ilmHub. Imam Saheb currently heads the Halal Ingredients Research Team for ilmHub.

Thereafter in 2020, Maulana Rizwan Shariff joined our Team to head the Hifdh Department as well as a residing Scholar onsite at Masjid al-Farooq. Maulana Rizwan has been a monumental addition to ilmHub. Maulana led the Taraweeh Salah at Masjid al-Farooq for 2021 as well as nurture and guide his hifdh students to participate in the Taraweeh as well.

Maulana Rizwan has been very instrumental in bringing Tafseer and Shama’il halaqat and discourses.

As of 2021 we have engaged in the following projects and activities over the past year:

  • Semester based Courses: A range of courses in Fiqh, Hadith, Qur’an , Islamic Finance & Economics etc. [full details in the year-end report]
  • Salah Times Observation Project [STOP]: A project to carry out Salah Timing observations for Edmonton and surrounding areas.
  • Halal Food and Ingredients Project: Targeted review of ingredients and products for the consumer benefit under guidance of Imam Muhammad Patel.
  • On-site and online Qur’an school: Currently we are catering for over 60 students (boys and girls) for our Tajweed and Qur’an Classes
  • On-site Hifdh Academy: Upto 7 students partaking in Hifdh as well as Maraja’ah for past hifdh under guidance of Maulan Rizwan Shariff Saheb.
  • On-site Saturday School: Catering for 15 students (boys and girls) for Qur’an as well as Islamic Studies
  • Regular Jum’ah Khutba and Salah at various masajid across Edmonton
  • Regular post-Salah reminders and talks
  • Darul Iftaa’ wal Irshad (fatwa.ca)
  • Outreach Discourses and Workshops: We conducted a complete series of academic discourses along with practical workshops to educate congregants about integrals of Islam including Faza’il and Virtues of certain fundamentals, social and psychological wellbeing, Islamic Finance, Concepts related to Muslim Matrimonial etc.
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