The differentiating factor between khamr and non-khamr ethanol from a Shar’iy Juristic perspective is that the former is both Najis and Haraam whereas the latter is not Najis however deemed Haraam in intoxicant applications.
Read MoreNon Khamr Alcohol (whether from distillation or fermentation) does not follow the same ruling according to hanafiya. This means that in smaller quantities like solvents and emulsifiers etc, they will not render the other items najis, and will not affect the hillah of the item.
Read MoreThe best edition of Quduri would definitely Shaykh Sa’id Bakdash’s edition. He collected the oldest manuscripts of the book from all parts of the world, selected the best copies from these, then edited the book using the commentaries of Quduri for backup.
Read MoreNecessary Beginners Knowledge “…without which living a life like a true Muslim is not possible.” … “…by which such vastness and firmness is produced in religious aspects that a person will not be misguided by those who misguide.”
Read MoreAt times a person is unable to use water on account of it being not present at the place, or because of the person suffering from some disease. For that situation, the provision of Tayammum has been made in the Shariʿah.
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