Yearly Expenses

Current Financial Summary

This data is from August 2020 to August 2021. Please note that any Grant funding we received is not included in this summary. Additionally, a small part of the payroll includes the pay of two teachers that were covered by the Canada Summer Jobs Grant.
Since August 2021, we have taken on 2 additional part-time online teachers along with 2 part-time onsite teachers which has added significant pressure to the payroll. This is in addition to a part-time Hifdh department lead and a full-time Aalim on our payroll.
Projected Finances since August 2021

As can be seen from the table above, we have a gap of 15,000$ that needs to be filled along with some contingency to help us get to next year while our financials improve inshaaAllah
Current Events and Projects
Alhamdulillah, we are currently engaged in the following projects and activities:
- Winter 2022 Semester Courses Planning
- Halal Food and Ingredients Project
- On-site and online Qur’an school
- On-site Hifdh Academy
- On-site Friday Islamic Studies
- Regular Jum’ah Khutba and Salah at various masajid across Edmonton
- Regular post-Salah reminders and talks
- Darul Iftaa’ wal Irshad (fatwa.ca)
- Shariah Compliant Islamic Finance Project
On-Hold Projects
The following programs have been put on hold pending future resources availability:
- Salah Times Observation Project (on hold)
- Islamic Library Project (on hold)
Administrative Updates
We have been blessed with the addition of 1 part-time male and 1 part-time female Qur’an teacher who joined us in Q3 2021 for a total of 1 full time ‘Alim and 3 part-time teachers currently employed by ilmHub. Our Shura continues to expand with the addition of Khaleel Mohammed sahab as the latest valued addition.
ilmHub Center
Resident Scholars
Mufti Faisal al Mahmudi
Maulana Imam Muhammad Patel Saheb
Associated Teachers and Asatidha
Hafiz Mauz Shah
Hafiz Usman Mian
Ustadh Ammar Burhani
Ustadh Taha Faisal
Ustadh Adil Ahsan
Ustadh Zakee Shaikh
Ustadha Aalima Asma Shah
Ustadha Bint Mahmood
Primary need for the funds
The funds will assist us towards rental and utility expenses for 2022.
Future Funding
As originally indicated our aim is to make ilmHub self-reliant in its funding. We have developed classes and courses whose fee help us attain stability. We are also exploring other side avenues for income to supplement and fortify our financial base. However, at this time we are still in inception and due to current pandemic we have to rely on help from Ummah.
Please do not give zakat funds for this project.
Donations are not eligible for Charity Receipts at this time
Our goal is to maintain transparency. We shall provide you with as much information as we can.