Latest Fatwas

Question: There are so many virtues of different Azkar. Like for Darood as well. There was a Sahabi whom Nabi SAWW encouraged to do Zikr of Darood all the time and leave out all other Azkar. Different groups of angels are also engaged on only one Zikr that is assigned to them. How does one decide to this Zikr and leave out all others?

Question: Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu Mufti Saab,

Please tell me if affiliate marketing is halal. Below is a link to an example of such marketing. There are others, so, would like to know the following: 1. Is affiliate marketing halal in general? 2. Is the affiliate marketing explained in the link below halal?

Question: Is it permissible to use products containing dead sea salts?

Question: Asalamu Alykum wa Rahmatullah

Ismail borrowed a coat from Abdullah. Ismail put it in the laundry machine, and it messed up the coat. Now Ismail wants to make amends. There are two scenarios:

A) If the coat originally cost £100, and Ismail offers him £75, plus the return of the coat back to Abdullah B) The above scenario except that Ismail gets to keep the coat after transferring £75 Are both scenarios permissible?

Niqāb for Healthcare Workers Question: What’s the ruling for face veil for healthcare workers here in Canada?

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Halal Foods & Ingredients
``We review products so you don't have to.``

Old Dutch Double Dutch Ridgies Spicy Salt & Vinegar
Old Dutch Double Dutch Ridgies Extra Ketchup
Old Dutch Double Dutch Ridgies Extra Salt & Vinegar
Old Dutch Double Dutch Ridgies Extra Honey BBQ
Old Dutch Sour Cream n'Onion

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UF100 – Introduction to the Structure of Hanafi School of Thought

Fiqh is a magnificent bounty of Allah and the Hanafi school of thought, like others has preserved the essence of Allah’s Shari’ah for us. Take this journey to understand the fundamental structure of “Hanafi Fiqh”, the juristic school of thought itself. Explore a rich array of lectures to appreciate the depth and breath of scholarship […]


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وَعَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ…

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